Tuesday, February 24, 2009

LiHua's CID reflections

CID reflections for 20/01/09
Today,our group came up with an idea. We basically decided to do phyiscal activity. We wanted to promote exercise as a form of hip hop. We chose hip hop as it is currently part of the pop culture and it is cool to do hip hop. Thus, youths may find exercise in the form of hip hop much more enjoyable. We feel that this way, they would be more willing to exercise. I personally think that this is a much more effective way to promote exercise as it will show teenagers that exercise can actually be fun!

CID reflections for 03/02/09
Today, our teacher-in-charge, Mr Tan read our proposal. From his feedback, we realised that our project wasn't very realsitic as we would not have enough time and resources to carry it out. Also, our target group is too large, hence it would be hard to organise and carry everything out. I learnt that when we come up with plans, we must first consider many points to make sure that what we plan is feasible. If not, everything would be a totaly waste of time when we come to realise that the project cannot work out. There is really a lot to consider when when planning a proposal.

CID reflections for 10/02/09
After last week, we decided to do away with the first proposal. We decided to do STRESS. It is really important for as students to learn how to manage stress because we face a lot of stress. Stress can have negative effects on us. It will impact our studies and health. This time, we were not that ambitious. We chose a smaller target group that is much more managable.

CID reflections for 17/02/09
Today, we didn't do much. 2 groups presented their proposals today. From their presentations, I learnt certain things that will make our proposal much better.

CID reflections for 24/02/09
We presented our proposal today and it was approved! The teachers gave us many valuable suggestions,for example making use of the internet to help spread our message across. These suggestions will definitely help in making our project a better one.

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