Sunday, February 22, 2009

hueyyiing's 1st post!

here's my reflections. they're summarised for the three sassions we had (though abit late, i know.)

for our 1st group meeting 3 weeks ago, our teacher mentor, Mr John Tan commented that our idea was too hard to carry out and was unrealistic in term of finding suitable participants, and suggested we come up with another back up plan, just in case our proposal was rejected, so we wouldn't need to waste time coming up with another proposal. I realized that he had a point and we decided to come up with another plan, and that became our main proposal instead, which touches on stress. this project was much more feasible in terms of finding our target audience, but Mr Tan said that we were too "small-scale", because we proposed to only reach out to our target group by requesting form teachers to conduct stress-management lessons during out school's CHAMPS period, while during out 1sr proposal, we had wanted to conduct nation-wide lesson. therefore, my group decided that we would hold talks level by level instead. we didn't want to hold a mass assembly consisting of the whole school because we thought that the numbers were too big and our message wouldn't get across effectively. during that weekend, my group met up to prepare our powerpoint proposal using the SMART guide. for our third lesson with the teachers, we watched other groups present their ideas. the biggest problem that cropped up with the other group was the problem of an unclear target group, but i think our group shouldn't have a problem. we could also answer the other questions raised during the session, so my group concluded that our proposal should be fine, thus, no changes were made.

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