Thursday, August 20, 2009

shall post my random thoughts 1st before i forget:
- i thought our speakers were good in engaging the audience. lots of activities and videos meant more audience participation hence engagement. However, the information shared may not have been enough. In contrast to the speaker the other group invited, i felt that it was too factual-based. too much on lecturing hence boring the audience.

I felt that it would have been great if we could combine the best of both worlds -- the activities as well as information about the particular topic. Adequate amount of information will be provided to the audience whilst preventing them from being bored.

- Through sitting through the two presentations, i felt that a key element in presenting other than engaging the audience is also to have a clear and loud voice (voice projection) so that the audience will not find it a chore to listen to your presentation. At the same time, the information presented in the slides should most preferably be concise, so that the audience will be able to absorb the information quickly and they will also pay attention to your elaboration.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

minutes for 11/8/09

15/9: Oral presentation (1 person 3 minutes max)
22/9: written report DUE!!

Friday, July 31, 2009

minutes for 1/8/09

we met up to do the written report and oral presentation.
it is not fully completed since we have not implemented our project and we still have to sieve out our survey results for the survey we did on the year 3 and 4 students.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

minutes for 28/7/09

- decided to use li hua's bank account for reimbursement from HPB
- going today to print poster. (25x2 A3 size)
- did dry run for speakers
- filled up form for PA assistance on 19 August
- meet at 1p.m. this saturday at marsiling MRT to do OP and WR at huey yiing's house.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Minutes for 22/7/09

We did a dry run for our presentation with Mr John Tan, and have to brush up our presentation skills.
things to do: send the scenario, script for our presentation and TRYBE slides to Mr Tan.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

HY's reflections for 7 n 14 jul

7th july

We were, at that time, still unsure of whether we could get a slot for our lessons, thus I was feeling quite unsure. We had nothing to do except rehearse, which I guess could be considered as a blessing in disguise as we discovered flaws in our set of instructions. Through rehearsing, we discovered a more effificient way of getting feedback from the target audience, which was to change the survey method from online tabulation to immediate tabulation after the activity has been conducted. This ensures that we get responses from all the participants, and we have an added advantage as the target audience still has an impression of our project.

14th july

After confirming the time with Trybe, all the instructions from the teachers came rushing in. I felt really pressed for time, and the teachers were calculating how much time we had left to complete our project. I had to do a lot of liasing, and was quite unsure, until I realised that the people I need to lias with have always given me immediate responses, thus I felt assured.

minutes for 14 july

  • speaker is scheduled to come on 19th Aug, 12.20 to 1.20
  • Script to introduce and host speaker was drafted
  • Poster sent to HPB, awaiting approval
  • Internal lesson will be done on 26 Aug
  • We will annouce for Health Ambassadors to meet after school on 19th august for training of ambassadors

We are to send to Mr John Tan

  • When the speaker is coming
  • Content of the talk
  • Target audience

We are to send to Mr Tan Chuan Leong

  • Classes involved in internal lesson
  • Slides and instructions for internal lesson
  • How are we going to brief the HAs
  • Completed report of the project when it has ended

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

minutes for 7/7/09

- we rehearsed our presentations
- luqi gave posters to mr john tan
- we did changes to our script
- change method of collecting feedback from online to chairperson tabulating in class and giving us the collated results of the class.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

minutes for 4/6/09

- completed part of the report, specifically the introduction, literature review, methodology and part of the results and analysis.
- we also rehearsed the presentation for the lessons we are going to conduct for a year 3 and a year 4 class in pairs.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

ok... this week was uneventful. mr tan (chuan leong) was out of school so we couldn't confirm the dates... but the thought of the report drives me mad...

Friday, May 22, 2009

written report

1. Introduction
- purpose of project
- aim of project
- definitions
- justification for topic
- target audience/group

2. Literature Review
- evaluate article
- feasibility of strategies
- improvement on your strategies
- clears up misconception
- gives you ideas

3. Methodology
- methods used (e.g. surveys, posters, interviews)
- other info (books, internet)
- lessons and lectures
- timeline
- allocation

* to be completed after june holidays
* forward email to Mr tan to mrs anna chan at

Monday, April 20, 2009

Lihua's CID Reflections

CID Reflections 07/04/09
We are still deciding on whether we should conduct a lecture or a lesson. Both have their pros and cons. I think that conducting a lesson will ensure that students will pay closer attention. When we conduct a lecture, it is harder to make sure that everybody will give their co-operation as compared to during a lesson.

CID Reflections 14/04/09
I didn't come. (:

Thursday, April 16, 2009

sharlene's reflections for 14/4/09

According to Mr Tan,we're probably getting our slots for the lessons and lectures to be conducted by TRYBE in July since there have been many activities scheduled for CHAMPS lessons before June holidays. Hence, it will be a great challenge indeed to complete our report and presentation after the course is conducted since the time is short, not to mention,the results for the feedback forms have to be collated as well. I hope we will have enough time to finish up everything. We can perhaps start work on the report during the June holidays to minimize workload after the course has been conducted.

minutes for 14/4/09

for group presentation on tuesday:
Huey Yiing will talk on external lecture
Luqi will talk about the posters
LiHua will talk about internal lecture(academic stress)
Sharlene will talk about internal lecture(relationship stress)

Internal course will be conducted in lesson form. Estimated time is one hour.
Huey Yiing make strategy powerpoints and send Mr John Tan HBP proposal and confirm dates for lessons and TRYBE lecture with Mr Tan (the other one).

Luqi and Huey Yiing will take class 3I for lessons. Sharlene and LiHua will take a year 4 class for the lessons (yet to be confirmed). The rest of the classes will have their chairpersons take them through the internal course.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

So we've done everything, complied all our slides into one, and the only thing left are the posters. *Stares hard at a certain group member* It's long overdue, you know.
I'm really glad Mr Tan has agreed to upload our feedback form onto IVLE, it is definitely a great help.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Sharlene's reflections for 7/4/09

I think our presentations slides are almost completed. We just need to compile all our lessons into one lecture and we're done! The thing we have to focus on now is our posters and pamphlets. =D


Minutes for 7/4/09

- compile lessons into one lecture
- ask John Tan to upload feedback survey into IVLE for us.
- Posters and Pamphlets
Huey Yiing: compile lessons into one lecture and send John Tan
Luqi and LiHua: DO posters and pamphlets
Sharlene: source for info to put on posters

group presentation 2:
- objectives of project
- strategies your group will be using
- rationale for these strategies
- timeline for implementing your strategies

* 2 weeks time ( 21st April)
email John Tan
no more than 5 mins

Friday, April 3, 2009

hueyyiing's reflection for 24 & 31 mar

24 mar
The project is going well. All we need to do now is to speak to Ms Candice so that we can plan out our last lesson and contact Mr Tan to see which available slots can be taken by us.
I'll need to contact Trybe for a quotation and the HPB for a grant.
I hope all goes well!

Now, we just have to wait for Mr Tan to respond so that we can arrange our lessons and liase with Trybe
And Lu Qi has to come up with the posters --|||
Once Mr Tan gives us the green light, we can come up with our scripts and we just have to carry out the lectures!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Sharlene's reflections for 31/3/09

We are right on schedule with the completion of lesson materials for the lectures and lessons for the stress management course. However, it is important that we get the permission from Mr Tan to carry out our course before the June Holidays as soon as possible as there may be many other events that has to be carried out during CHAMPS lessons and we also may have to do some reshuffling of lesson materials in order to suit the various time slots given to us.
Through this, i can tell that the hardest part of the project may come from liaising with the various key personnel because we have to get their cooperation in order to carry out or project or it will be a no-go.

minutes for 31/3/09

During CID, we decided on the followings:
- Li HUa will rewrite the format of GPP for HPB which will be submitted to them
- LuQi will do up the template of posters and pamphlets by next tuesday
- Huey Yiing will send the most recent lesson materials to Mr Tan for him to approve
- Sharlene will update minutes on blog (which she is doing now. HAHA.)

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Lihua's CID Reflections

CID Reflections 24/03/09
I feel that our project is going on smoothly, everything is working out pretty well.
The lessons are planned out already. The most important thing now is for Mr Tan Chuan Leong to give us time to conduct these lessons. If not, whatever we've done would be wasted. Also, we interviewed the school consellor on thurs. She gave us many insights on our project. She also provided us with many useful tips.

CID Reflections 31/03/09
We didn't do much today. Everything sort of done. YAY. (:

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Sharlene's reflections 24/3/09

I think our lessons and lectures are mostly done up and it should be completed by this weekend. We should also include guidelines for chairpersons and teachers to conduct these stress management lessons, which should be completed by next week. The rest left to do is to liaise with Mr Tan and get his approval and the time slots for our lessons and lectures to be conducted. If we handle this logistics well enough, the lectures and lessons should be able to be carried out smoothly as planned.

Our posters and pamphlets can be put up at a slower pace. The important thing right now is to get the lessons and lectures done first because there will not be time left to carry them out after June holidays as we have to focus on completing the report and doing the presentations.

minutes for 24/3/09

During today's CID lesson, we went to find the school counselor to book a time slot with her (this Thursday at to interview her on stress management skills with regards to relationship stress since it was rated the second highest accountable for overall stress levels in RV students according to the survey done on year 3 and 4 students. We can use information gotten through this interview in our lesson plan (lesson 3 specifically).
We also decided to add another lesson to give emphasis on relationship stress management. This will be lesson 3 in addition to lessons 1, 2 and 4 and the lecture.
Plan A : 1 lecture + 4 lessons
Plan B : 1 lecture + 2 lessons
(remove 1st lesson. Bring 4th lesson to 1st lesson. Combine lesson 2 and 3 into one lesson)
Plan B is in case we cannot get the five consecutive time slots in 5 weeks. Hence, we condensed the lessons in plan B.

Plans for this weekend:
- Huey Yiing to improve on lecture and lessons slides
- LiHua and Sharlene do lesson 3
- Luqi do up posters and pamphlets

Monday, March 23, 2009

LiHua's CID Reflections!

CID Reflections 02/03/2009
Today, we came up with another survey to find out what types of stress the students are affected by. This will give us a more detailed scope on how to help students relieve stress. We do have a very tight schedule as everything has to be carried out in the next few months. Hence we have to learn how to organise our time properly, and not get stressed out by the overwhelming word load.

CID Reflections 10/03/2009
We have decided to meet up during the march holidays to plan a detailed lesson plan. We came up with a few ideas and planned to consult the school counsellor.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

minutes for 10 mar 2009

1. We planned out the activities we will be conducting during the CHAMPS lesson
2. We planned out what we will be doing in the 1st lecture
3. We decided to use photoshop to design our posters, and it will be inclusive of:
- pictures
- how to manage academic stress
- how to manage relationship stress
4. next meeting time
5. We will make an appointment with the school counselor to have professional advice on how to handle relationship problems.

my reflections:

i think that the schedule is quite hectic and i think that it may be too difficult to hold a lecture immediately when school reopens. The lecture may have to be postponed for another week. I initially wanted 4 CHAMPS lesson and 1 lecture, but i realised that maybe 3 CHAMPS lesson would be a better idea as we can then split our lesson into different topics and activities and there would be a better timing, in terms of scheduling the lessons in that we would have a session every fortnight.

Saturday, March 7, 2009


Today we came out with our survey which we will complete by this week so that we can confirm on what type of stress we are doing on and proceed on with our plans for CHAMPS activities and lectures. We are also meeting up this saturday online to complete our PI which has to be submitted by next week. i agree with huey yiing that our schedule is very tight but it will be slacken in june and july, so we just have to pull our socks up for now. jia you!! =D

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

HY comments on 3rd march 09

Firstly, here are the minutes for today:

1.We came up with the survey and have decided to ask the 1st and last 5 students of every 3-4 class to complete our survey. We decided not to use the internet because there will be many students who will not attempt the survey. We plan to collect back all our surveys by this friday and collate the results by this weekend so that we can proceed to plan our lessons and design our posters and pamphlets.

2. Huey Yiing called TRYBE to ask if they offered a stress management course so that we could learn from them. They will reply by this week.

3. We have decided to meet up during March hols to design our poster and come up with our lesson plan

4. we will complete our PI this weekend and send it for Mr Tan Chuan Leong and NYC to approve

5. we have decided to have our 1st activity as a lecture so that the y3s and 4s will be able to have an idea of what will be going on for the next few weeks, which will be held during CHAMPS lessons. The lecture will be held on the week after school reopens and we will give pamphlets for the class chairpersons to put up on the notice boards.

My Reflections for today

Personally, I feel that the schedule for our project is quite tight and I'm sure that my group members agree with me. However, i believe we will not be so tightly packed once we have completed coming up with the materials for the lessons. my concern now is that my group has not come up with an idea of how to gauge if our project is successful. i think that the best way would be to have another survey to see how the target group thinks of our project.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Sharlene =D

We presented our presentation and we got some tips from the teachers such as narrowing down our target group from year 3 to 4 students, ensure that we can also help students through the cyberworld since it will be more effective if we reach them through not only paper means, but also virtually. As for the CHAMPS lesson, we have already confirmed with Mr tan chuan leong that we are going to carry out our activities around the period of April to May and he has agreed to set aside time for us during CHAMPS periods on Wednesdays for 4 consecutive weeks.
We also have to confirm on what aspects of stress we want to do on because, as i have just realized, there are many aspects of stress, through the surveys on year 3 and 4 pupils and focus on these aspects and bring about benefit to our target group. This is indeed a learning point for me because i have always thought that stress does not have any aspects to it.

Sharlene =D

we listen to 2 groups presentation and i picked up a few points throughout the whole lesson :

1. We must make sure we are clear of which specific target group we are doing on.
2. we must make sure that the methods we are going to use to implement the various aspects of health are effective because it is no point doing so when we are going to end up with zero percentage benefit to the students at the end.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

reflection for 24th feb

our group presented our ideas to the teachers today. though the idea was approved, there were some areas that needed some tweaking. we had planned to use the school's CHAMPS lesson to conduct our activity, and the teachers told us we needed permission from the teacher in charge, Mr Tan Chuan Leong. Fortunately, he gave us the green light, but we would have to work with him for to make sure that our materials will not overlap, and to figure out the exact dates we want to carry out our activities. In order to learn how to manage stress effetively, i have decided to contact a few organisations to see if they are willing to coach us to impart the skills of stress management, and also, if possible, provide relevant materials and information.
Our initial target group were the year 1-4s of RV, but we decided to narrow them down to the year 3-4s of this year as the teachers pointed out it would be quite difficult to conduct lectures for all levels. especially when our assembly and CHAMPS time slots were different.
Also, we wanted to on academic stress, but it may not be the largest problem our target group is facing, therefore we have decided to come up with another survey to see exactly which area of their lives stresses them the most, so that we can come up with an effective counter-plan.
For our surveys, they will be done online, as the teachers commented that we did not utlise the area which teenagers frequent the most, which is the internet. we had plannned to only put up posters and pamphlets, along with conducting a series of activities, which did not involve the internet at all. therefore, we have decided to use the internet for the conducting of our survey, and probably even put up videos and articles on stress management on the internet. the vidoes and articles will all be placed in a blog, which makes them more easily accesible. we also plan to put up a tagboard on the blog so that participants can voice their opinions on our projects and suggest improvements that they want to see.

LiHua's CID reflections

CID reflections for 20/01/09
Today,our group came up with an idea. We basically decided to do phyiscal activity. We wanted to promote exercise as a form of hip hop. We chose hip hop as it is currently part of the pop culture and it is cool to do hip hop. Thus, youths may find exercise in the form of hip hop much more enjoyable. We feel that this way, they would be more willing to exercise. I personally think that this is a much more effective way to promote exercise as it will show teenagers that exercise can actually be fun!

CID reflections for 03/02/09
Today, our teacher-in-charge, Mr Tan read our proposal. From his feedback, we realised that our project wasn't very realsitic as we would not have enough time and resources to carry it out. Also, our target group is too large, hence it would be hard to organise and carry everything out. I learnt that when we come up with plans, we must first consider many points to make sure that what we plan is feasible. If not, everything would be a totaly waste of time when we come to realise that the project cannot work out. There is really a lot to consider when when planning a proposal.

CID reflections for 10/02/09
After last week, we decided to do away with the first proposal. We decided to do STRESS. It is really important for as students to learn how to manage stress because we face a lot of stress. Stress can have negative effects on us. It will impact our studies and health. This time, we were not that ambitious. We chose a smaller target group that is much more managable.

CID reflections for 17/02/09
Today, we didn't do much. 2 groups presented their proposals today. From their presentations, I learnt certain things that will make our proposal much better.

CID reflections for 24/02/09
We presented our proposal today and it was approved! The teachers gave us many valuable suggestions,for example making use of the internet to help spread our message across. These suggestions will definitely help in making our project a better one.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

hueyyiing's 1st post!

here's my reflections. they're summarised for the three sassions we had (though abit late, i know.)

for our 1st group meeting 3 weeks ago, our teacher mentor, Mr John Tan commented that our idea was too hard to carry out and was unrealistic in term of finding suitable participants, and suggested we come up with another back up plan, just in case our proposal was rejected, so we wouldn't need to waste time coming up with another proposal. I realized that he had a point and we decided to come up with another plan, and that became our main proposal instead, which touches on stress. this project was much more feasible in terms of finding our target audience, but Mr Tan said that we were too "small-scale", because we proposed to only reach out to our target group by requesting form teachers to conduct stress-management lessons during out school's CHAMPS period, while during out 1sr proposal, we had wanted to conduct nation-wide lesson. therefore, my group decided that we would hold talks level by level instead. we didn't want to hold a mass assembly consisting of the whole school because we thought that the numbers were too big and our message wouldn't get across effectively. during that weekend, my group met up to prepare our powerpoint proposal using the SMART guide. for our third lesson with the teachers, we watched other groups present their ideas. the biggest problem that cropped up with the other group was the problem of an unclear target group, but i think our group shouldn't have a problem. we could also answer the other questions raised during the session, so my group concluded that our proposal should be fine, thus, no changes were made.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

We've completed our powerpoint slides to be presented this tuesday.
We decided to do on the stress aspect of mental wellness as we found out that RV students face stress due to work, CCA and many tests. Through our surveys, we actually found out that students face problems balancing their schoolwork, homework and CCA's and that they find school a stressful experience. Some students even go to bed late just to complete an assignment. As such, we ought to equip RV pupils with the right set of skills and knowledge in order for them to reduce their stress levels and hence, get better grades and have more leisure time as well.

I think our aims will be best achieved by posting phamplets and posters around the school at places where students frequent the most, give level by level talks in the LTs as well as conduct class activities during PDP lessons. It is important that the activities we do engage the students such that they will be willing to learn as it will definitely be beneficial to their emotional well being.

I've learnt that no matter which walk of life we are from, we will no doubt face stress at different points of time in our life. It is important for us to learn to cope with stress for too much of it can lead to depression and affect us for life. It will be a lie to say that i have never ever experienced stress, because i have. Stress can come from various external factors such as decision making, workload and the inability of time management. We ought to be aware of this and find ways to reduce our stress levels.

Job Allocations =D

Job Allocations

Huey Yiing (leader):
• Coordinator
o Liaising with HPB, sponsors and teacher-in-charge
o Coordinating meetings

Lihua and Luqi:
• Researchers
o Resources:
 National library/ school library/ articles/ journals
 Internet
 Newspapers (articles and statistics)
 Surveys/ interviews on students (year 1-4)

• Secretary
o Complies information

Thursday, January 22, 2009

We decided to choose the sub topic on physical activity which includes exercising for 60 mins for 5 or more times a week, exercise for strong bones and the importance of exercise to be advocated to the youths.
We want to achieve the above through dancing, more specifically hip-hop because hip-hop is slowly emerging as pop culture and more youths will be interested in it. Th dance is a good form of exercise that trains our stamina. Unlike running, hip hop is fun and enjoyable, thus taking one's mind off the exertion they are experiencing. It can also showcase one's talent through creating a dance routine unique to themselves and help built up perseverance.

our target grp is youths from age 13 to 21.


"The “hip hop culture” has permeated popular culture in an unprecedented fashion. Because of its enormous cross-over appeal, the hip hop culture is a potentially great unifier of diverse populations ... It has gone from the fringes, to the suburbs, and into the corporate boardrooms. Indeed, McDonald's, Coca Cola, Sprite, Nike, and other corporate giants have capitalized on this phenomenon."

Even recent movies like step up 1 and 2 all incorporates the various hip hop moves.